Bollywood’s ad boy Salman Khan is embroiled in another controversy. According to former IPS officer and social activist YP Singh, actor Salman Khan has allegedly violated the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act.
It seems that Salman Khan bought a flat in a building named ‘The Address’, situated at the Bullock Cart Road, which is between the lane of Mannat and Taj Lands End at Bandstand, Bandra. The power of attorney, however is in Salman`s father, Salim Khan name.
The official papers of the flat reveal that Salman Khan has paid Rs 20 crore for the flat whose market value is just Rs 4 crore.
“It is clear that the extra price, which has been given is said to acquire a non-FSI component of the building, which cannot be sold. There is a dedicated parking at the 11th floor with a personal swimming pool. On paper, the property is only 1079.95 square feet, but actually the space occupied (that of the flat) is around 8000 square feet, which is deceiving,” said Singh while talking to the media.
Singh further added, “As per the law, common areas like lobby, garden, swimming pool, parking and fire refuge area cannot be owned by an individual, but can be utilised by all the members of the building. It would also be a case of money laundering, as Khan, by paying such a huge amount of Rs 20 crore might have converted all the black money into white.”
“This requires a detailed investigation and once it is done, it will be clear whether it’s money laundering or a case of environment protection act or Violation of Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act. The Police and Municipal authorities should indulge into the probe for the same,” concluded Singh.
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